India stands as the leading country when it comes to the production of generic drugs among the world.

However, the Chief Scientist of WHO, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said that, the country is in serious need of the strong regulatory system to remain a leader in the field of generic medicines and vaccines.

She also said that it’s important for the reputation as the leading country in generic medicine production, that we have a strong regulatory system.

The Indian government had asked for the reports on the information related to the 66 Gambian children, who allegedly lost their lives due to contaminate cough syrups given to them which were manufactured by the company based in Sonpeth.

The information asked by the government from WHO was about the initial illness, the symptoms and treatment provided to the children. The government has formed 4-member panel of experts, to analyse the details.

Dr. Swaminathan mentioned that the reports provided by the World Health Organization was based on the investigation which was done and proved that, the research behind the children’s death is due to the contamination of the syrup with Diethylene glycol (DEG), and is a serious issue which needs to be taken care by the manufacturing units of these medicines.

The Chief scientist said that, pharmaceutical contamination is a serious issue in the country, which has to be taken care of, at the 23rd Annual General Body Meeting of Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN), which was held at Pune.

The expert also mentioned that the central and state regulators and rules of operation should be known and harmonize over these.

Dr. Swaminathan suggested that the drug regulators of various States should come together and cooperate to cross inspect the goods, which are imported in the country and the ones which are exported within and outside the country.

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